On the 5th Day of Xmas....


Amy Huff made us these cool hand soldered pendants. She crafted the bezels and set "diamonds" in the rough. Gotta love industrial chic bling!

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posted by Lelainia N. Lloyd at 6:27 a.m., |


  At 9:04 a.m. Blogger Misti Ko said:
Boy, am I confused. I opened this one yesterday and fell in love with it. It looks so similar to the one you posted yesterday though - metal - round thing in the middle, I thought they were slightly different versions of the same gift. Woo hoo, now off to open another beautiful charm.
  At 4:35 p.m. Blogger Sherry said:
I totally love this -- as soon as I opened it I put it on!!! Wishing I could do beautiful work like this!
  At 5:51 p.m. Anonymous Anonymous said:
They are similar-ish. What's even odder is I ALMOST used copper pipe circles too but went with the copper washers. Whew!